Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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Sand therapy

One of the main tasks of departmental medicine is to preserve and strengthen the mental health of police officers, and servicemen, including persons who were in the combat zone, in captivity, conducting a set of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional measures with them. In this regard, the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Rivne region" conducts sand psychotherapy in the office of psychocorrectional assistance.

       Sand therapy is a method that appeared in the framework of analytical psychology, which involves interaction with sand. It is a way of communication between a person and the outside world and himself, as well as a means of relieving internal tension through its embodiment at the unconscious-symbolic level.

Sand therapy helps in solving the following problems:

  • problems in the behavior of different natures;
  • aggression;
  • anxiety, shyness;
  • isolation, uncertainty, and low self-esteem;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • prevention of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders;
  • problems of interaction with close people.

       Sand therapy differs from other forms of therapy by the simplicity of manipulation, the ability to create new forms, and the short period of existence of the created images. In the sandbox, people create what happens in their real life or what they want to add to it. Building a story in the sand, which he keeps in his head, he directs and watches the story about himself. At such moments, having assessed the situation from the outside, a person ceases to be afraid of it. Sand therapy helps a person to express difficult experiences, pain from losses, internal conflicts, and some unbearable feelings that could not be talked about. Invisible pain and suffering of the soul with the help of a picture on the sand from the inner space is transferred to the outer space and becomes visible and tangible. With the help of images, symbols, and metaphors, the world of trauma is no longer so scary to deal with, talk about it and transform it into something else that will provide a resource for further growth and development.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment