Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Rivne region is in the Red Zone. Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.


Memo on mental health of the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Rivne region"

Center for psychiatric care

and professional psychophysiological selection




            RIVNE 2021

"You don't need to control your thoughts. You just need to stop letting them control you."

Dan Millman

Mental health is the basis of a happy human life!

Mental health is of paramount importance for personal well-being, maintaining healthy family relationships, and the ability of each individual to contribute to society. Physical health is impossible without mental health. As we take care of our physical body, so we must take care of our psychological well-being.

The modern world due to its complexity, dynamism, and contradictions creates various problems for a person, capturing his personal space. The increase in daily physical and mental stress, the aggravation of existential feelings of fear, uncertainty, confusion, and frustration, and the impact of information flows on the personality - all this negatively affects human health in general and mental health in particular.


Given that human life is the highest social value, the most important task of mankind should be to preserve the physical and mental health of a person!

The tasks of psychohygiene and psycho-prophylaxis include the preservation, strengthening, and holistic development of the spiritual, mental, social, and somatic components of a person.

Mental health is a level of psychological well-being, which is determined not only by the absence of mental illness but also by a number of socio-economic, biological, and environmental factors.

A psychologically healthy person is, first of all, a spontaneous and creative person, cheerful and cheerful, open and cognizant of himself and the world around him not only with his mind but also with his feelings and intuition. She fully accepts herself and at the same time recognizes the value and uniqueness of the people around her. Such a person takes responsibility for his life primarily for himself and learns lessons from adverse situations. His life is filled with meaning, although he does not always formulate it for himself. She is in constant development and, of course, contributes to the development of other people. Her life path can be not quite easy, and sometimes quite difficult, but she adapts to the rapidly changing living conditions. And what is important - she is able to be in a situation of uncertainty, trusting what will happen to her tomorrow. Thus, we can say that the "key" word to describe psychological health is the word "harmony" or "balance". And first of all, it is harmony between different components of a person: emotional and intellectual, bodily and mental, etc.

Since the final result of a highly developed person is psychological well-being, therefore, for comprehensive development, you need to know the main (six) components of mental health and well-being:

  1. The first and most important component is the acceptance of oneself as a person worthy of respect. This is a central feature of a person's mental health.
  2. The ability of a person to maintain positive, warm, trusting relationships with others. People with these qualities have a higher potential for love and friendship.
  3. Autonomy is the independence and ability of a person to regulate his or her behavior from within, rather than waiting for praise or appreciation from others. It is the ability that allows a person not to follow collective beliefs, prejudices, and fears.
  4. Ecological mastery - the ability of a person to actively choose and create his own environment that meets his psychological conditions of life.
  5. Purpose in life - confidence in the presence of purpose and meaning in life, as well as activities aimed at achieving this goal.
  6. Self-improvement - it is not enough to achieve the characteristics described above, it is important to develop your own potential. That is, there should be a need to realize yourself and your own abilities. An important aspect of treating yourself as a person capable of self-improvement is also openness to new experiences.

The international standard of mental health includes 10 features:


- intelligence

- purposefulness

- flexibility, logic

- thinking

- moral qualities

- social behavior

- nutritional features

- emotionality

- attitude to your health

- sexuality.


To preserve mental health, it is important to avoid avarice, vindictiveness, envy, hypocrisy, pride, and morbid ego


Our mental component is too complex, dynamic, and ambiguous to maintain in only one way.

In this regard, we should learn to recognize and respond to the signs of deteriorating mental health:


1. Emotional and cognitive signs:

§ Low (depressed) or high mood.

§ Feelings of anxiety and unreasonable anxiety.

§ Irritability or anger towards self or others.
§ Repeated negative thoughts about yourself, about others, about the future.

§ Reduced concentration and attention.

§ Apathy, inattention.


2. Physiological signs:

§ Insomnia or oversleeping.

§ Constant fatigue, rapid fatigue or excessive activity, or excess energy.

§ Changes in appetite. Malnutrition or overeating.

§ Problems with digestion, stomach, and intestines.

§ Physical pain - headache, heartache, lower back pain, muscle pain.

§ Motor retardation or a sharp increase in motor activity.


3. Social signs:

§ Lack of desire to communicate with people, difficulties with functioning in a team.

§ Excessive social activity in real life or in social networks.

§ Difficulties in communicating with people.

§ Abuse of alcohol, drugs, and medications.

§ Problems in studying or at work when performing tasks.

§ Lack of life interests, and motivation.


Separately, these signs can characterize temporary deviations from the norm, but together they can be evidence of deteriorating mental health.

If these signs are manifested for more than two weeks, they should be regarded as symptoms of possible mental illness.

The rights and obligations of a person during the provision of medical care are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "Fundamentals of the Legislation of Ukraine on Health Care" of 19.11.1992 No. 2801-XII, and other current regulatory documents.

Human rights and fundamental freedoms in the provision of psychiatric care are also regulated by the Law of Ukraine of 22.02.2000 No. 1489-III "On Psychiatric Care" (as amended).

This Law defines the legal and organizational principles of providing citizens with psychiatric care based on the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms, establishes the responsibilities of executive authorities and local self-government bodies in organizing the provision of psychiatric care and legal and social protection, training of persons suffering from mental disorders, regulates the rights and obligations of specialists and other workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care, social protection, and training of persons suffering from mental disorders.

Article 6 of the Law provides for the confidentiality of information about the state of mental health of a person and the provision of psychiatric care

Medical workers, other specialists involved in the provision of psychiatric care, and persons who, in connection with their training or performance of professional, official, public, or other duties, have become aware of the presence of a mental disorder, the facts of seeking psychiatric care and treatment in a psychiatric care institution or staying in a social protection institution for persons suffering from mental disorders or a special educational institution, as well as other information about the state of mental health of a person, his or her private life, shall not be entitled to receive or use confidential information about the person's mental health.

The right to receive and use confidential information about the state of mental health of a person and to provide him/her with psychiatric assistance has the person himself/herself or his/her legal representative.

With the informed written consent of the person or his/her legal representative, information about the state of mental health of this person and the provision of psychiatric care may be transferred to other persons only in the interests of the person suffering from a mental disorder, for examination and treatment or protection of his/her rights and legitimate interests, for scientific research, publications in scientific literature, use in the educational process.

It is allowed to transfer information about the state of mental health of a person and provide him/her with psychiatric care without the consent of the person or without the consent of his/her legal representative for

1) organizing the provision of psychiatric care to a person suffering from a severe mental disorder

2) conducting a pre-trial investigation, drawing up a pre-trial report on the accused or court proceedings at the written request of the investigator, prosecutor, court, and representative of the authorized probation body.

In the certificate of incapacity for work issued to a person suffering from a mental disorder, the diagnosis of mental disorder shall be entered with the consent of this person, and in case of his/her disagreement - only the reason for incapacity for work (illness, injury or other reason).

It is prohibited without the written consent of the person or without the written consent of his/her legal representative and the psychiatrist who provides psychiatric care, to publicly demonstrate a person suffering from a mental disorder, to photograph him/her, or to make cinematography, video recording, sound recording and to listen to interviews of the person with medical workers or other specialists in the course of providing psychiatric care.

It is prohibited to demand information about the state of mental health of a person and the provision of psychiatric care, except in cases provided for by this Law and other laws.
Documents containing information about the state of mental health of a person and the provision of psychiatric care must be stored in compliance with the conditions that guarantee the confidentiality of this information. Removal of the originals of these documents and their copying may be carried out only in cases established by law.

According to Article 25 of the Law, persons who are provided with psychiatric care have the rights and freedoms of citizens envisaged by the Constitution of Ukraine (254 K/96-ВР) and the laws of Ukraine.

Persons who are provided with psychiatric care have the right to:

- respectful and humane treatment that excludes humiliation of human honor and dignity

- receive information about their rights related to the provision of psychiatric care; 6

- Receiving psychiatric and social assistance in conditions that meet the requirements of the law;

- refusal to provide psychiatric care, except in cases of its provision in a compulsory manner provided by law;

- all types of medical care on medical grounds;

- Receiving psychiatric care in the least restrictive conditions, according to their mental state, if possible, at the place of residence of these persons, their family members, other relatives, or legal representatives;

- detention in a psychiatric institution only for the period necessary for examination and treatment;

- prior consent or refusal at any time to use new diagnostic and treatment methods and medicines or to participate in the educational process;

- the safety of psychiatric care;

- free medical care in state and municipal health care institutions, as well as free or on preferential terms provision of medicines and medical devices in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

- free legal assistance on issues related to the provision of psychiatric care;

- alternative, at their own discretion, psychiatric examination, and involvement in the work of the commission of psychiatrists on the provision of psychiatric care of any specialist involved in the provision of psychiatric care, in agreement with him/her;

- retention of the right to a dwelling at their place of permanent residence during the period of inpatient psychiatric care;

- personal participation in court hearings in resolving issues related to the provision of psychiatric care and the restriction of their rights in this regard;

- compensation for damage caused to them or damage to their property as a result of unlawful placement in a psychiatric institution or psychoneurological institution for social protection or special training or as a result of failure to ensure safe conditions for the provision of psychiatric care or disclosure of confidential information about the state of mental health and the provision of psychiatric care. 7

The second component is the rights of patients in specialized psychiatric care institutions (Article 25 of the Law).

Persons during their stay in a specialized institution for mental health care have the right to

- communication with other persons, including a lawyer or other legal representative, without the presence of unauthorized persons in accordance with the internal regulations of the psychiatric institution

- to inform any person of their choice about the provision of psychiatric care;

- ensuring the secrecy of correspondence when sending and receiving any correspondence;

- access to mass media;

- leisure, creative activities;

- performance of religious rites, observance of religious canons;

- address directly to the head or head of the department of a psychiatric institution on the issues of psychiatric care, discharge from a psychiatric institution, and observance of the rights provided by this Law;

- assistance under the obligatory state social insurance or pension in accordance with the legislation.

Persons during their stay in a psychiatric institution also have rights that may be restricted by the decision of a psychiatrist (commission of psychiatrists) in the interests of protecting their health or safety, as well as in the interests of the health or safety of other persons

- receive visitors in private;

- to purchase and use items of everyday use;

- to be alone.

Having outlined the list of patient rights, it is necessary to dwell on the obligations arising from the norms of the current legislation, in particular the Constitution of Ukraine, Fundamentals of Healthcare Legislation, and norms of sectoral legislation.

Thus, the patient is obliged to

- take care of their health and the health of children, not to harm the health of other citizens;

- to show respect and tact in communication with medical workers

- provide the doctor with all the information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease;

- after giving consent to medical intervention, strictly follow all orders of the attending physician. In case of refusal of the proposed methods of examination or treatment, sign a refusal of medical intervention;
- comply with the internal regulations of the medical institution where he/she is located;

- cooperate with the doctor when receiving medical care;

- immediately inform the doctor about changes in the state of his/her health in the process of diagnosis and treatment;

- immediately consult a doctor in case of suspicion of the presence or presence of a disease that poses a danger of mass spread;

- in cases provided for by law, to undergo preventive medical examinations and vaccinations;

- provide emergency assistance to other citizens who are in a life-threatening condition;

- not to initiate actions that may violate the rights of other patients;

- to perform other duties provided by the legislation on health care.

The most important thing that a person loses due to neuropsychiatric disorders is the ability to work.

The health of the population depends on the level of well-being of the whole society and its attention to these problems. Mental health care is a process that begins in each individual family, continues at the place of work, and covers the entire local community and the infrastructure of the public health system as a whole.

Physical and mental health are interconnected.

Mental health is of paramount importance for personal well-being, maintaining healthy family relationships, and the ability of each individual to contribute to society. And believe me, physical health is impossible without mental health. The human body lives its own life, which is inextricably linked with mental life, although it does not belong to it. However, the human body is not a soulless mechanism, it is in a sense an equal partner. It is not only a temple of the spirit but also one of its aspects. Health, success in life, and so-called happiness largely depend on the acquisition of vital harmonious integrity of mental and bodily components.


Preservation of mental health is incompatible with the use of any psychoactive substances!


In the preservation and promotion of mental health, it is important to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Of particular importance is psychohygiene - a set of measures in compliance with the culture of personal relationships, the ability to manage your emotions, alternate work and rest, create a favorable psychological climate in the team, and family; systematically engage in physical education, adhere to a rational diet, daily routine, get enough sleep, think positively, be optimistic, friendly.

Tips to help preserve our mental health and our loved ones:

  1. Words matter. They can both harm and support a person. "Schizophrenic", and "psycho" can be replaced by the expression "a person with a mental illness". Expressions such as "You will cope, you will overcome everything", or "Just relax" can sometimes do more harm than help. Instead, you can offer your support and say, "I'm sorry you're not feeling well" or better yet, ask how I can help.
  2. Kindness towards others and yourself. It can be a smile, the ability to listen, or an invitation to meet for a cup of coffee, something simple that will make the other person feel that you are there.
  3. Gaining new knowledge: knowing the facts and busting myths about mental illness can be a great way to get rid of the stigma. Helping to overcome the stigma of mental illness can help people seek the help they need and make positive changes. Because stigma is the biggest barrier for anyone suffering from a mental illness to seek help.
  4. Recognizing the signs of stress. The stressors associated with the pandemic affect people in different ways. The psychological state may deteriorate significantly (e.g. feelings of anxiety), and there may be complaints of poor physical well-being (poor sleep). It is particularly difficult to cope with stresses that are beyond our personal control.

People may experience:

  • Fears and anxiety about their own health and the health of their loved ones.
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns.
  • Problems with sleeping or concentrating.
  • Exacerbation of chronic health problems.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, or other substance abuse.

It should be borne in mind that not all people react to the same event and demonstrate their anxiety or distress in the same way.

5. Taking care of yourself is an important condition for coping with stress. Here are simple ways to take care of yourself:

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news, and choose reliable sources of information on social networks.
  • Take care of your body and body, and avoid hypothermia.
  • In order to calm down, use deep breathing.
  • Try to eat healthy, balanced food, exercise regularly, pay attention to sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs.
  • Communicate with others. Talk to people you trust about your worries, concerns, and feelings, and allow people close to you, especially children, to share their problems and accept support.
  • Follow a daily routine, and find time for what you like.
  • Focus your energy on what you can control.

6. Show care for others (especially in today's context, namely the COVID-19 pandemic) to those with mental health problems, the elderly, and children. They are the ones who are likely to have and will have more serious psychological problems in the future. Give them the opportunity to express their concerns about the outbreak, reassure them and let them know that they can count on you. If your child is upset or scared, talk to them about how to cope with their feelings. Try to be a good listener and ask how you can help. This can be the first step toward recovery.

7. Help your loved one get professional help if needed.

In cases when the person you know has: sleep problems, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, anger, guilt, helplessness, numbness or confusion; problems concentrating; overeating; alcohol or medication abuse, contact your family doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. If you notice these symptoms, you should motivate the person to consult a specialist.

Practical recommendations

that can be used to improve mental health and strengthen psychological resilience.

  1. Healthy sleep.
  2. Many people who do not sleep for a long time or sleep very little (2-4 hours a day) have a bad mood, feel tired, and become irritable. Full sleep is an important criterion that helps to maintain calm and balance. Sleeping before 00.00 is very useful, so you should go to bed before 22.00. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours.
  3. Surround yourself with things you like:
  4. Dress as you like, listen to music that is pleasant to you, and eat food that you like.
  5. Rituals.
  6. Come up with and implement some special rituals for yourself. It can be something pleasant, something that gives joy, inspires, and fills you. Maybe it will be a cup of coffee or tea in your favorite place, or maybe a meeting with nice and interesting people.
  7. Listen to yourself.
  8. It is important to understand what you like and what you do not like and avoid what is not pleasant. Learn to say "no" to what you do not like and say "yes" to what you like. You also need to understand where I end and where the other person begins, where your rights, duties, and responsibilities are, and where the other person is. Understanding all this has a positive effect on the psychological state.
  9. Information hygiene.

Do not forget that in the whirlpool of various information, the main goal of educated people in many countries is to filter the most necessary information. The main mechanism of protection against negative informational and psychological influences at the individual level is the need to formulate the purpose of searching, receiving, processing, storing, and forgetting this or that information and refusing unnecessary or unnecessary information. Watching or reading negative news, respectively, will not bring positive. If you notice that when you are watching a feed on Facebook or Instagram, you feel irritated or envious of other people, then this is a clear signal that you should stop looking at others and it's time to get busy with your life and personal growth!

  1. Daily routine and rest.
  2. Try to do your business on time, because overloading, and postponing until the last minute is also a stressful situation that is quite depressing. Also, do not forget about rest.
  3. Physical activity during the day.
  4. Physical and mental health are very much connected. Everyone knows the phrase "In a healthy body, a healthy mind", so follow the usual hygiene, proper nutrition, exercise, and take care of your physical body and health.
  5. Work in joy.
  6. Work where you like. Many people are engaged in activities that do not bring them pleasure, irritate, and depress. You should not suffer all your life at a job you hate. Find a way to do what you like, because this is your life and it is the only one.

The Ministry of Health has created a free service  for those cases when a person needs the help of a specialist.

Plan your life!

Take care of your mental health! It is the key to a happy life and longevity!

Take care of yourself, surround yourself with pleasant things, think about something good, communicate with interesting people, and do what you love and then your mental health will be

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment