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Myofascial relaxation with elements of auto training to relieve muscle and emotional tension

One of the main tasks of the Center for Psychiatric Care and Psychophysiological Screening is to preserve and strengthen the mental health of police officers, and military personnel, including those who have been in the combat zone and captivity, and to provide them with a range of psycho-correctional measures.
          As part of the National Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Program initiated by First Lady Olena Zelenska, which aims to help citizens overcome war-related stress and the effects of traumatic events, and prevent the development of mental and behavioral disorders, practical psychologists from the Center for Psychiatric Care and Psychophysiological Screening at the institution's hospital conduct classes under the Myofascial Relaxation with Elements of Autotraining to Relieve Muscle and Emotional Tension program. The name of the method itself reveals its meaning: "myo" means "muscle" in Greek, "fascia" means connective membranes that cover muscles, tendons, and organs, and "release" means relaxation. So, myofascial release is the relaxation of muscles and fascia.
         In the myofascial release, massage rollers are used to help work 80% of the muscles and fascia.        
         In an ideal body, the fascia always remains soft and elastic and retains its mobility, but in reality, with age, under the influence of injuries and stress, the fascial tissue loses elasticity and becomes tight and less mobile. When the fascia is overstretched, blood flow in the vessels passing through it deteriorates, which means that the blood supply to the tissue is impaired. Muscles and fascia are inextricably linked: relaxation or shortening of the fascia directly affects the functioning of the muscles.
         Since all muscles are wrapped in the fascia, myofascial release is a set of methods and techniques used to relieve tension in overstretched muscles and fascia.
The concept of a trigger point is inextricably linked to myofascial release. Trigger points are localized painful muscle tension. Due to the presence of such areas of tension in the muscle, the muscle stops working correctly, in full force, the muscle becomes shorter, its blood supply deteriorates, pain occurs and the incorrect distribution of "duties" - tone and volume of movements in neighboring muscles and throughout the body, since the body is a single system.
         The causes of trigger points are lack of movement and dehydration and, what is extremely important to understand, the chronic stresses of our dynamic life. A modern person has a sedentary lifestyle filled with stress. Everyone knows that stress should not be absorbed, not "digested" inside, destroying your body and psyche, and stress should be neutralized by physical activity. Evolutionarily, stressful situations used to be associated either with an encounter with a predator and, accordingly, the need to escape from it, or with hunger and, accordingly, with physical exertion to get food. And in modern man, this connection is broken. All that remains is stress, and physical activity has disappeared. And stress has no physiological solution. But muscles still subconsciously tense up in stressful situations. And with prolonged chronic stress and lack of physical activity, certain muscle groups in a person remain constantly tense and triggers are formed in these muscles. But regardless of whether you are sitting or hammering nails, trigger points will appear. Just in different places. 
         Myofascial release leads to tension relief in overstretched muscles and fascia, as well as to stabilization of the emotional state, and reductiona of anxiety and excitement, which is especially important at the present time.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment